Ge Brivo 325/385
Proven technology tube/generator performances build for efficiency & image quality Short geometry:95 cm focus to detector distance X-ray tube : 2 mhu with 500 khu/min heat dissipation focal spot as small as 0.6 mm x 0.7 mm,
Generator :24kw – 200 ma 120kv – 140 kv up to 120*sec helical acquisition
Option brivo ct325 consistent performance :
- Tube and generator engineered for consistent performance
- Performance and design engineered to overcome heavy patient loads.
Brivo CT325 is a reliable system to answer our ct needs.
Proven technology efficient reconstruction advanced algorithms advanced artifact reduction (aar) reduces streak artifacts caused by arms, hips and shoulders in the scan beam advanced noise reduction (anr) reduces noise without compromising spatial resolution reconstruction algorithms soft tissue, standard, standard+, detail, chest, bone, edge and performance optidose™ for patient care automa 2d dose modulation automatically adjusts the ma to delivers the lowest dose scenarios personalize each scan and minimize dose dose optimized up to 18% compared to fixed.
Perfect x-ray adjustment to slice thickness beam tracking provides centering of the x-ray beam on the detector to minimize patient dose real-time focus stability reduces x-ray scattering effects
Optidose™ for patient care
Brivo CT325 Low Dose CT
- 10-200 ma with automa dose modulation
- improved snr (signal to noise ratio)
- optidosetm techniques and beam tracking
- excellent image quality
- aar: streak artifact reduction algorithm
- anr: noise reduction algorithm